
作者:模板大师 -


2. 庆祝公司或个人的重大成就
3. 提高员工的士气,增强团队凝聚力
4. 增进客户与合作伙伴之间的友谊


2. 下班后或晚上8点后
3. 周末或节假日


2. 外滩咖啡厅
3. 餐厅
4. 家庭聚会场所

四、聚餐人数 1~2人 2~3人 3~4人 5~6人 五、聚餐费用

2. 外滩咖啡厅:按套餐收费
3. 餐厅:按菜品收费
4. 家庭聚会场所:按场地收费 六、聚餐内容

2. 确定菜单:根据主题选择合适的食物,注意营养均衡、口味搭配。
3. 确定酒水:根据人数和菜品选择适合的酒水。
4. 确定活动环节:可以安排游戏、抽奖等环节,增加气氛。 七、聚餐注意事项

2. 确保餐厅或聚会场所的环境整洁、卫生
3. 遵守用餐礼仪,不文明行为的劝阻
4. 不影响他人休息和工作 八、范文

一、聚餐目的 recent years have been an exciting time for our company, and as a team, we've been working hard to achieve our goals. To celebrate this achievement and strengthen our team's bond, we've decided to have a small gathering.

二、聚餐时间 We've chosen to hold this gathering on a Friday evening, after our daily work. This is a great chance for all of us to relax and have a good time together.

三、聚餐地点 We've selected a cozy restaurant near our office, which will not only offer a nice atmosphere but also be convenient for us to have the gathering.

四、聚餐人数 We've invited our colleagues and some partners to join us, with a total number of about 6 people. 五、聚餐费用 To minimize costs, we've decided to split the bill equally among those who attend the gathering. 六、聚餐内容

1.The theme of our gathering is "Celebrate Our Success". We've planned a surprise for the occasion, which we'll reveal later.
2. We've confirmed the menu, which includes a variety of dishes that we know everyone loves. We've also ordered some alcohol to keep the mood relaxed.
3. We've set up a small game to break the ice and add some excitement to the gathering. 七、聚餐注意事项

1.We've sent out reminders to everyone to confirm their attendance, and to let them know about the location, time, and费用.
2. We've reminded everyone to dress casually yet respectfully, as we know that not everyone will be dressed up.
3. We've reminded everyone to keep the restaurant or gathering place clean and tidy, and to not disturb others.
4. We've emphasized the importance of having fun and celebrating our achievements, and to not take things too seriously. In conclusion, we're excited to have this gathering and to celebrate our success. We look forward to a night of good food, good company, and fun.
